John Jazwiec offers business insights on supply chains and disruptive marketing, and business philosophies for successful leaders.
There are always middle-men, fat and happy "empty suits" that get in the way of the affordability of buying goods and services from producers to consumers. For example, take buying intellectual property, like books.
Instead of trying to have writers work with publishers, who then have to decide how many books to print, how to warehouse, how to distribute them to brick-and-mortar bookstores, why not just have all intellectual property be in electronic format and let consumers have the cheapest way to buy it? That is exactly what is happening now with Amazon’s Kindle, Apples iTunes, and other E-book Readers.
Supply chains are always inefficient and can be made more productive, if someone has the guts to challenge them.
The efficiency of supply chains is a constant. Most people didn't understand the movement in the 70s and 80s from manufacturing economy to service economy.
And besides that, the service economy moved to a knowledge economy by the 90s. We are not only living in unprecedented change where power is shifting from capital and jobs, we are moving toward more efficient supply chains and jobs are lost and gained as a natural result.
A knowledge worker is defined as "someone who enhances products by ideas," and through creativity has the highest and most valuable skill regardless of geography or industry. Our schools do not teach creativity to our most "motivated" students. Those students are instead incented to be "conformists." The "outsider" who does not follow the curriculum blindly is the real "winner."
Not only is supply and production matched with demand at the lowest price, but capital needs to move internationally to support such efficient distribution. Despite flaws that have been exposed to international allocation of capital, the fact of the matter is that capital and supply chain optimization is the right way to make the most efficient supply chain in the modern world.
Someone must have the guts to question the status quo. The cycle starts when a newcomer moves into market and starts with the buyer's perspective and works his way backwards. Then when every part of the supply chain gets the benefits of what is in it for them, or better understands the reality of where they are being led, they can adopt the new "paradigm shift" and not just survive, but thrive.
Disruptive Marketing means changing the rules of the game for better utility and then counter-intuitively using a smaller company size to:
The nirvana of a business is that it is not just business, it's a cause. It's a means to successfully optimize people to impact a positive cause.
When you approach any business situation, you should have a standard set of principles.
School is a necessity. College is valuable if you spend your time wisely, but internships provide 10 times the power of classroom education. MBAs in general are antiquated paper chases, except for the most prestigious schools that let you become part of the "club" in financial firms. Real, hands-on learning is far more impactful than anything you could be tested on.